Saturday, January 9, 2010

So to speak

Almost done with the first week in my new full-time position and I am loving it!

Next week will be the real test, though.

*Our landlord is in Costa Rica until the end of March so Rick and I are playing house so to speak. It's pretty great - and I am pretty lucky.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Week 1

Thanks to my friend Alison, I was inspired by the 365 day photo project she has undertaken. Though I haven't been taking photos EVERY day, I am going to attempt to post photos each week. I hope to improve my skills, capture daily life, and appreciate this beautiful world!

This is my new glass teapot! We are steeping "Fairy Lilly" which blossoms with a vibrant red and white flower. Rick watches as it unfolds.

We made homemade chili last night! Here are the kidney beans rinsed and ready to go.

Adding the final spices to the chili before letting it simmer for 4+ hours...hmmm...

Working on New Year's cards for family and friends.

A few weeks ago we moved my family piano into the house. It's pretty old, and the as you can see the pedals need some extra support.

The ivory may be coming off the keys, but I have practiced for countless hours on this instrument and still get endless enjoyment from it.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Disembodied Head

The sheer scissor weight

Of your pillow crease

Perforates our space

And after you've gone

I wedge myself there

Like an account on paper.