about Lindstrom:

The first time my family drove into this town, I remember thinking that this was would be a nice place to live. There is water everywhere you look.

The water tower is not a teapot, but rather a Swedish coffee pot.

The bakery was a block from our house and across the highway from the meat market where I worked. I would be sent to get donuts on Saturday for my boss.


I spent many many hours in this antique store. Have I ever told you that I LOVE antiques?

The infamous meat market where I worked during high school. I managed to save enough money working here to buy my first laptop.

Site of Cedergren farm in Chisago City.

Moody Round Barn.
This is the last one in the county and one of the last in the state.
Too bad the water tower is a coffee pot: it would have made a lot of sense you growing up in the shadow of a tea pot. My tea addiction is due to my dad being from England and both parents raising me on tea, only it was Lipton teabags. I'll never forgive them.
Strangely, I never drank tea before I started at TeaSource. In my interview, I think I actually said, "I don't really like tea." And they still hired me! Now, obviously, I am an addict three years strong.
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