Ever since graduation I've been half-heartedly searching for a "real" job. You know, a 9-5, full-time with benefits sort of thing. So far, nothing. I am either under qualified or there are a large number of applicants or the universe is just out to get me... I really love my job at the tea shop but I am not sure if it's going to pay the bills come January. And I am mildly restless with the retail business, although I am still thankful to have a job at all.
The uneasiness that comes with this job hunt got me thinking outside about opportunities outside of MN. What if I applied for an internship in Denmark with DIS? What if I taught English in Japan or Korea? Much of this decision is dependent on Rick's situation at General Mills, but this IS the time in our life when we could pick up and live somewhere else for a year or two. I feel as though I have a second family in Denmark as it is, and it would be such an amazing experience to live there again. Time will tell. For now, I am content to sip tea from around the world and enjoy the holidays with friends and family.
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