Thursday, September 20, 2007


...on a folding chair in the middle
of a park in seattle where the sun
is too bright and we
are laughing too hard...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

like this

i have been in a funk lately - why does september always do this to me?

the climate of new beginnings draws out the old, precious things in life that make security so temporary. like school supplies. and the end of summer. and the way things change colors.
it's kinda like i've been through a wind storm but everything is still, more or less, in one piece.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

it flew by

My skin is warm
Against the wind
The breath of June, July…
But time dissolves
Like prints on sand
My only alibi

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

left out

In the midst of this Harry Potter craze, I admit I feel a little left out. I've never read any of the books and have seen two of the movies. So, I decided to participate in my own way by memorizing the last two lines of the last book.

Suddenly, I find myself in a strange position of power.

...don't mess with me.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Emily visited on Monday!
Highlights of the day include buying Pride and Prejudice (Colin Firth) on VHS for $7.98, Cleveland Wok dinner buffet, TeaSource iced tea, and buying various items for our apartment at Unique Thrift.
I love this girl!

Monday, July 9, 2007

my might

To: Rick, who is far away

Today, the sunrise made me older
And I am carrying yesterday
Like a child -
Maybe it will grow up
To be everything I expected
And maybe it will disappoint me
But for now, all I can do
Is hold it, love it, and hope
With all my might
That I do not regret the way
The sun sets upon it

(I don't regret a single day I spend with you)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

on the loose

Lots of people save change. I throw all my loose coins into a green tin with the Chinese symbol for tea on the front. Why do I save it? Is it annoying to carry around? Am I too impatient to count exact change when I buy something? It's hard to say.

(secretly, I hope it will magically multiply and I will become independently wealthy)

Friday, July 6, 2007


today, my aunt unleashed a monster. it's big, bad, and ugly.
its name? unique thrift.

i'm hooked.

Monday, July 2, 2007

self portrait

this time

i have tried having a blog before. it didn't work out.
maybe this time will be different - wish me luck.