Monday, May 31, 2010

Home from Kabekona...

...and I am full of odds and ends just waiting to be tied up into text.
Here are some thoughts from the weekend:

My grandfather turned 84 today. He fought in WWII from 1944-1946.
The daisy field in front of the cabin is about to bloom.
I tried a pickle on Saturday hoping it would surprise me. GROSS.
I finished knitting my first hat yesterday!
Every ounce of stress in my body seems to disappear when I know there is a lake outside and my family is in the next room. It is quiet, but so good.
I heart Norway pines.
I felt something crawling inside the front of my shirt during church yesterday. I had to get up and leave in the middle of the service because there was a TICK in my bra. A true PK moment.
*pictures to come*

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happiness is

a place to rest your head.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Carved Out

Devotion manifests
like small stones
sliding beneath
the balls of my feet,
smooth and circular.
I know there are limits
as love struggles
to keep its shape,
but you define
the ground and where
we should build
like initals
carved in wood.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Rooms full of sun

Rick planted a variety of herbs, cabbage, and peas from the farmer's market in the sunroom this weekend.

This leafy monstrosity has a life of its own.