Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Losing Matter

The hurt can be tender, too.
Your absence aches like a loose tooth
and my heart is a cavity.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Into the Light

I finally woke up today. The sun was brimming behind my blue bedroom curtains and I felt something change - the whole neighborhood seemed to feel it too. After opening windows all over the house: in the kitchen, in the dining room, on the staircase, in the bedroom, and in the T.V. room, I settled into the sun room with a book and the wonderful warmth. Outside, people were walking to church, playing with their dogs, riding their bikes, singing along to their car radios, and playing ball in the front yard. My favorite was the young boy walking down Russell Ave. with his backpack eating a bright orange lollipop.

Why does a little bit of sun make so much difference? Is it chemical? is it natural? is it coincidental?

This chair and this room and this view. This.