Friday, May 16, 2008


around my room
the suitcases are worthy enough
to hold, to transport
all that material proof
of, that tangible awareness of

quiet denial,
unbearable anticipation
anywhere is just a place
...even home is just a place.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

civilized seduction

I walked the path
'Cause it was paved
The grass dare not intrude

The blades were short
The colors, dim
The lines all stiff and crude

Seduction is
So civilized
Each social, structured part

But I diverged
Across the field
In search of soul and heart

Thursday, May 1, 2008


I love May - it makes me think of freezing cold fresh lake water and going up north. I can't wait to step into Kabekona with my pants rolled up to my knees and pretend like I never have to leave...

The reality of leaving DK is slowly starting to hit me, and it doesn't seem possible that on one particular Sunday not far from now I will board a plane and just "arrive" in MN. My concept of home has been permanently blurred.

Today is saturated with a cool rain and greens so brilliant it might as well be staged. My window is cracked and the quiet satisfaction of another day has settled beneath the airy, gray sky.