Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Sky Outside

I am homesick for Denmark today. It is my host sister Amalie's birthday. They have a new dog I've never met. The sky outside my window makes me remember the first day I arrived.

January 20, 2008

What a long, lovely day. Blurred and meaningless time - saw the sun rise as we flew over Sweden - islands of perfect green and perfect blue. First bit of shock was how everything moves slower here - no anxious, rushed faces at the airport, no urgency of time, no busy crowds running blindly in and out of each other. Just - people. The bus ride from the Copenhagen airport was short, but eye-opening to my first glimpse of Danish life. Old brick buildings, lots of graffiti (but not in a tacky way), endless bikes with baskets leaned carelessly along sides of buildings and up against doors, sparse traffic, lots of walking and biking. A low, gray sky.

In case you wanted to brush up on your Danish, here are some survival phrases you might find useful:

Godnat - goodnight

Sov godt - sleep well

Hvad hedder du? What is your name?

Hvor kommer du fra? Where are you from?

Hvordan gar det? How's it going?

Hej hej - goodbye

Hvad koster - How much is...

Jeg elsker du - I love you


Unknown said...

Just in case you were wondering - I am really enjoying your (pretty much) daily posts. Thank you!

Sarah said...

thanks, alison! i'm glad someone is reading it ;)

it is strangely theraputic to wake up and look forward to writing something about the day.